Sunday, September 7, 2008

Not very bloggy

Well... it isn't very bloggy of me to post twice then ditch it for the rest of the summer. Anyhoo, I should post more pictures of the two weddings we've shot now, but because I don't have anything ready, I'm going to post something completely unrelated to anything.

This is my Dad's dog, Gus. Check him out:

See? I told you it would be unrelated to wedding things. This Gus and his Hedgehog. Exciting no?

This one is a bit better. This is my Dad, Steve:

He and I are going to Spain in a couple weeks for a photo trip. I took this picture a few days ago. He looks pensive and thoughtful, but I think I was just boring him with all my inane talk of camera and lens. Makes for a good picture though.

One last thing before I go to bed. Aphids:

I freaking hate aphids! They are so lame that I just want to do mean things like water-board them or put them in stress positions. Here are a few of the little jerks slurping up all the sugary goodness from my poor lupin's tender little cells. I hope you enjoy this awesome sunset picture of their buggy-ness, especially in the knowledge that this was the last picture taken of them before their demise. I'm trying no to poison them with cancer-riffic pesticides, but it's hard. I'm trying neem oil, but I'm skeptical. We'll see. Luckily these guys were taken out with snippers and a firm boot.

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